Today, Sunday 24 November 2024, is the last Sunday of the Christian Year and the Feast of Christ the King. Here's the first draft of a hymn for today:
‘Are you a king?’ the governor asked,
Hoping to catch the prisoner out.
‘You say it’s so,’ he said at last,
Without a protest or a shout.

I come with truth and bear its light,
And those who hear and follow me
Will find a kingdom, not of might,
But armed with peace and charity.
In anxious times, with threats of war,
We seek a kingdom of this world,
Where peace can be imposed by force
And history’s lessons go unlearned.
This king is not a king at all,
His power not gained by wealth or arms,
He leads, but with a gentle call
And wraps us in his loving arms.
We follow Christ and bear his name,
Above all else, to him we hold,
And nation, sect or party’s claim
Never should lure us from his fold.
In Jesus’ name, we pray for those
Who lead our nations, church and globe:
Grant them grace and wisdom to know
The strength of love, the power of hope.
(c) 2024, SE McBratney
LONG METRE: suggest SONG 34